Friday, April 8, 2011

Even More Projects

Even more projects were presented today. I think I am going to go in the next class. I think Christi's was the best

Taylor, Billy, Clarke, Catherine, Christi

Who Odysseus?
Did he stay faithful to his wife?
Who was Homer?

Who died to give them the rule?
How long did it last?
How did it end?

Where was it built?
What was it made in honor of?
Who wanted to build it?

Why was Greek's so good at Math, Science, and Astronomy?
Who was Plato?
Who was Eiter?

What was post made of?
What were they used for?
What were the new technology of pottery?

Who lost the Peloponesian war?
Who took the blame?
Why was he arrested?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Kamau Fiona Questions

Who fought in the Peloponnesian war?
How old were Spartan boys when they were taken away?
Dig women have rights?

Who took over after the war?
Did Greece collapse from this war?
Did women play any sports like men?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Presentations and Cake

Two presentations were given today. They were made by Fiona and Kamau. On the The Spartan and Athenian war. Also we got cake because Cole came back on Monday from having re-constructional surgery on his face. I also have write 3 questions on both presentations.

New Quarter

New Quarter back from spring break and getting prepared to present my project. It's on Alexander the Greats youth and rise to the thrown.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Not Finished With The Movie

Not finished with the movie yet but have a lot of notes down. Who knew Greece had that much information?

More Notes on Greece

508 b.c. in a town called Athens. The ordinary people turned on their rulers demanding to be freed from their opression. At this moment one man looked on a man named Clysthenies a Greek nobleman. He had been brought up as an aristocrat to rule over the people. He was born around 570 b.c. From his earliest days he was taught to be an aristocrat. Aristocrats ruled over everything in Athens. The town was built around the acropolis a large thing of rock. Life expectancy was to become 15 years. Life was extremely tough. The common Athenians was ruled over by the Aristocrats. Greece was unlikely to thrive because of the land. They had mountainous regions, and not really any arable lands. They were surrounded by Persians, and Egypt. It was impossible for one ruler to rule over top of them. Greece was split into city states. Argos was the best. Corinthians were the best in trade with their ships. Sparta was the best fighters because they were brought up for war and to fight. In Spartans had to be able to put up with anything. Sparta took up 4000 miles. They were always a threat right over the mountains. One thing that kept them at ease were the people who would tell stories to them. The Iliad said by Homer was about the Trojan War. Homer also spoke the Odyssey about a man named Odysseius trying to get home to his wife Penelope. At the heart of these stories were called heroes. The poems about the heroes were called epics. Tyrant or ruler. Was written by Herodotus. Pysistrotus he was made ruler because he was protected by Athena and Athena helped him to get rule. The lady was really a woman from the neighboring  village. He was the brother in law of Clysthenies. He needed support or of his people were going to thrive. He went to the Athenians for help. He started to change in his city by giving them money and loans to build up their farms and dropping taxes. The eastern Mediteranian was the best place in the world for trade. The Athenians highest trade came from Olive Oil. Athens first great artistry cam from the vase. It wasn't expensive at first now a days they are worth millions. If you were a potter you were the lowest possible people. They lived in the Red District were people would get prostitutes. They used to paint in Egyptian and Persian symbols. Soon after they picked up a new style of painting. In 527 b.c. Pysistroties died. His son Hippyas took over at first he took over just like his father. Soon he turned into a true tyrant. Hippyas's brother was murdered when he found the men he killed the men and brutally tortured the women. He then became suspicious on everybody. Clysthenies then would try to take over Hippyas and take control over everything with his family and himself. It was time to become a hero. The year was 510 b.c. Olympia was the place were the people from all of the surrounding city states competed in boxing, track, and more. The Athenians began the revolution against Hippyas.  Isagorous and the Spartans barricaded themselves. They fought for 2 days. Clysthenies was brought out of exile to rule and change the government. The year was 508 b.c. for the first time in recorded history the people of Athens revolted. Clysthenies had a great meeting at the Agora (a great rock). There they would talk about the new government to be made. Clysthenies created a way to vote. White Rock for yes and Black for no. Every week they would have a vote on anything. It is called a democracy where the people became the government not the leaders. The Athenians faced troubles that their ancestors couldn't fight against. 490 b.c. a local figure runs across the mountains (Pheidippidies) ran 146 miles. To tell the Spartans about the Persians coming to attack the Athenians. The Spartans would not help them. 5th century b.c. the Persians were the strongest nation. Darius the great king was the ruler over them. They had to fight the Persians by themselves being out numbered 1 to 2. The Athenians attacked on a Phead long charge and the Persians scattered on their assault. The Athenians had won. The first democracy had passed their first test. Themistocleis. a Greek General. He was not brought up like an aristocrat but he knew how to run a city. He learned how to become a leader by going to the democratic meetings. The tryrines best ship of that day. It had 145 oarsmen and beak for crushing other ships. The Athenians found a great amount of silver worth 100 talons. Thermisticlies wanted to sell them for the tryrines but he had to tell them that he wanted to use them against neighboring city states. The Athenians agreed and the built the greatest fleet of all time with 200 ships. When Darius died his son Xerxes took over. Xerxes wanted to destroy Athens. He gathered all of his fighting men and he gathered 2 million warriors to fight against the Athenians. They were so scared they relied on the God's for protection. So they went to see the Oracle at Delphi so she could find out their fate. They would ask the Oracle Epythia who had a voice of a God. She told them to run for their lives because the God's wouldn't help them. Themisticlies went back and she said that your wooden wall wouldn't fall. He took it that the people should evacuate and that they will attack on boat. He said that the tryines should meet at Salamis outside of the Athenian coast. He sent out scouts with the other people from other city states. They tell them that the Persians were three times their size.He wanted to fight them at sea. He told them that the Geeks would run away. So the Persians followed them out to the boundary between Salamis and Athens and the Persians were destroyed. Their navy was destroyed. So then he made Athens able to create their own Empire. Delian League was the new Empire and Athens was at the Capital. They grew an economy and in trade with other countries. After the Battle of Salamis they became an Empire before a century. Even as an empire they kept the same way of Democracy. Soon they started to carve in a name to a piece of pottery. The people of Delian League had him kicked out of the kingdom. He spent the rest of his days finally dying in Persia. Pericles was the new leader of Athens at the highest point of the Empire. Pericles was born into one of Athens highest family. He knew that the Greeks wanted to be pushed well into the future. Pericles wanted to make the greatest city in the world he wanted to have the best anything. He could do it because of all of the cash flow they were getting from their trade. He looked at the Acropolis he wanted to build a new Parthenon that worshiped Athena. He wanted to spend 10,000 talons in one year which would be 10 billions dollars. He was going to build the most architecturally designed building of all time. It was the most glorious symbol of Athens. It took the 15 years to build it. In the middle of the Parthenon was 40 foot sculpture of Athena with jewels on it. The most popular part of the temple was the frieze it was 50 foot long part of the Parthenon with sculptures going out only in 2 inches in width. The Parthenon still stands today. It represents the worlds first democracy. Isagorus figured out that the moon was lit by the son. They had the first Historian Herodotus, great poets, and writers Isagorous and Periclies. Aspasia was Pericles's partner. Pericles divorced his wife for this woman. He actually allowed this woman to be with him during talks with some of the most elite people. In the middle of the Parthenon there would be the first theater. Two times a  year they would have a play. The most popular plays were the tragedies and comedies. Tragedies are like contemporary scary movies. Odipus was a king who married his mother and killed his father. When he figured out that he married his mom he gouged out his eyes. He was raised by someone else. He solved the riddle of the Sphinx. Hubirous had a fatal flaw that he was too prideful and when people told him to not to figure out about his parents you won't like what will happen he did anyways and he killed himself. The Greeks created drama. The good qualities that he had ended up killing Athens. Periclies wanted to take over all of the Mediterranean. He went to the democratic meeting to talk about going to war with Sparta. Victory over Sparta he would rule over all of the Mediterranean. Pericles convinced the Athenians to retreat to another city in Athens. He used his Navy to wear down the Spartans. Even though the Spartans never give up.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

Notes on Greece

Geography of Greece

  • Mountainous Peninsula: Mountains Cover 3/4 of land
  • Approximatively 1,400 islands in the Aegean and Ionian Seas
  • Location Shaped it's culture 
  • Skilled Sailors
  • Poor Natural Resources
  • Difficult to unite the Ancient Greeks because of the terrain; developed small independent communities.
  • Approximatively 20 percent suitable for farming
  • Fertile Valleys cover a quarter of the peninsula
  • Because of geography the Greeks diet consists of grains, grapes, olives
  • Lack of resources most likely led to Greeks colonizations
  • Temperatures range from 48 in the winter to 80 in the summer.
  • Began around 2000 b.c.
  • Mycenae is located on a rocky ridge and protected by a 20 ft wall.
  • Mycenaen kings dominated Greece from 1600-1200 B.C.
  • 1400 B.C. Mycenaens invaded Crete and absorbed Minoan culture and language.
Culture in Decline:
  • Around 1200 B.C. sea people began to invade Mycenae and burnt palace after palace
  • The Dorians moved into the war-torn region: Far less advanced, Economy collapsed, and Writing disappeared for 400 years.
Homer and Myths 
  • Only stories were kept and passed on by word of mouth.
  • Homer lived at the end of the "Greek Dark Age"
  • Recorded stories of the Trojan war in the Iliad and the Odyssey (written 750-700 B.C.): Trojan war was probably one of the last conquests Mycenaens.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Test on monday. Got a bunch of notes in today. Have to make sure I study or I will fail like Libya's president.

Notes on Modern Day Egypt

Egypt's Economy:
  • Tourism
  • Oil, natural gas, manufacturing
  • Agriculture- making the most of their limited arable land (3%): Cotton, Corn, Rice, wheat, fava beans.
  • The old pattern of dealing with the Nile [akhet(inundation), peret (land that emerges from flood), and shomu (water is short)] has been changed since 1970 building of the Aswan High Dam.
  • The dam controls the flooding of the Nile, and increases the amount of reclaimed land.
Egypt's Demographics:
  • 79 million people- biggest population of middle eastern nations, third biggest African Country (#1 Nigeria, and #2 Ethiopia).
  • Cairo 6.7 million (metro 19.4 million)
  • NYC: 8.3 million (metro 19.0 million)
  • Official Language: Arabic (English, French, and German are also taught to some).
  • Religion: around 90% Muslim, most of the rest are Christian (Coptic), but there are major conflicts (Egypt is 12th in religious violence, 5th worst for religious freedom).
Egypt's- Politics, Government, Revolution
  • 1922- End of protectorate with the United Kingdom.
  • 1953- Egypt declared a Republic.
  • 1954-1970- ruled by Anwar Sadat: Switches allegiance to the United States. Attacked Israel over Sinai Peninsula, but later made peace. An Sadat assassinated in 1981.
  • 1981-2011- ruled by Hosni Mumbarak: Kept alliance with the United States (helped in the Iraq war). Accused of corruption, political persecution, human rights violation. Driven from the office following mass demonstration last month.
What's Next For Egypt?
Who Knows?
  • Egypt currently ruled by military, junta, but democratic election scheduled for September 2011.
  • Some want Mumbarak arrested and tried for embezzling from the government.Our friend Sarah and other Egyptians say he may have stolen 50-70 billion dollars (other sources say more like 5 billion - still a huge amount).
  • Revolution is in the air (to varying degrees) throughout the Middle East and Northern Africa: Tunisia, Yemen, Algeria,Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Libya.
  • Libya has been ruled by Muammar Gaddafi since 1969: he is violently opposing Libya's uprising. Libya may descend into full civil war. The east is controlled by rebels, but he still holds the capital (Tripoli) - so far.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

This Class Reminds me of 6th Grade History

Just finished the notes on Egypt. Apparently we are learning about Greece soon. This class is so much like my 6th grade history class.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

More Notes on Egypt

Stuff on the Test:

  • Geogrphy 
  • Daily Life
  • Pharaohs
  • Goddesses and Gods
  • Pyramids

Egyptian Life is centered around the Nile River.
Water for Drinking, irrigating, and bathing
At the top of the river is a Delta and the river flows south to north into the Mediterranean Sea.
Ever July it floods because the mountain snow melts and flows into the river and floods over everything.
The river actually gets its water from the melting of snow from the mountain in Africa.
They can tell when a month changes by the moon.
Every October it leaves behind rich soil.
The delta is a broad, marshy, triangular area of fertile silt.
The Great Sphinx of Giza Built 2155-2532 b.c.
A recumbent lion with a human's head.
Oldest monumental statue in the world.
The Population of Egypt:

  • Pharaoh- religious and political leader. Made laws collected taxes. A.K.A. ruler of two lands. He owned all of Egypt. He kept the people safe from invaders. Hatshepsut was a woman who served as pharaoh when her father died. Cleopatra VII also served as pharaoh much later though (51-30 b.c.) more on her when we study Greece.
  • Government Officials- upper class, known as the "white kilt class" priests, physicians, engineers.
  • Soldiers- used wooden weapons (bows and arrows, spears) with bronze tips and might ride chariots (depending on how high up in the army you are).
  • Scribes- kept records, toldstories, wrote poetry, described anatomy and medical treatments. They wrote in hieroglyphics and in hieratic.
  • Merchants- money barter system was used that merchants might accept bags of grain for payment, later, and coinage comes out.
  • Artisans- woul carve statues and reliefs showing military battles and scenes in the after life.
  • Farmers- raising wheat, barley, lentils, onions - benefited from irrigation of the Nile.
  • Slaves and Servants- helping the wealthy with household and child raising.

    Friday, February 25, 2011

    The Power of Skype

    We got to talk to her today on skype. At around 8:30 we started asking her questions about everything about the Riots and the effects of the riots.


    What has it been like since he was put out of office?
    Was any of your family members hurt in the riot?
    How is your family acting towards you now?
    Was any of your family members a part of the police?

    Thursday, February 24, 2011

    Notes on the Egyptian Riots

    A group of men started the thoughts of rioting for Mumbark to resign. They used Facebook and Twitter to communicate with other Egyptian. When they rioted 4 people were killed and 400 people were arrested. So was the leader of the riots he was arrested and the police questioned and beat him for the password of the page on Facebook. He gave them a fake password and was released. He asked the man who did the riots in Russia for help on how to work his riots. He told him to go viral, and have a peaceful riot. They chose January 25, 2011 to riot against them. January 25th was a public holiday.The riot still did not go well for them. On January 28th they were going to riot again with a higher force. But Mumbark turned off the internet.

    Egypts Riots

    Egypt's riots have gone through. We are having a 22 year old Egyptian lady on Skype talk to us during class tomorrow about it.

    Jut finished my rap!

    Didn't present it to the class because it was terrible to me. Good Job to all the people who presented it to the class.

    Monday, February 21, 2011

    Bricks to Build (This is based off of the Pyramid Building Activity)

    I am on my 24th hour. Camel meat diet. Eatin when I'm buildin. I encourage you to try it. I probably just saying that cause I don't have to buy it. Cause the pharaoh just supplies it. Boy I'm on a new brick. I am what everybody in my past though I would want to be. Guess what? I made it. I am the fastest buildin man. Come get a load of this Egyptian. Stop frontin on me. Don't try to come and fasten me up. Because our next riot he will be running this whole thing.

    But for now I got bricks to build. I'm gettin it in. Let the clay get all over ya skin. Cause I got bricks to bi-i-i-bi-i-bi-i-i Build. I got bricks to build.

    When I get paid every 24 hours. Tryin to get paid money by the hour. Come at me man, I will run like a coward.
    You better worry cause the pharaoh got all of the power and a castle with a tower.

    Since I didn't pay it. I can't blame em. So for now I got bricks to build. I'm gettin it in. Let the clay get all over ya skin. Cause I got bricks bi-i-i-bi-i-i-bi-i-i build. So for now I got bricks to build.

    Wednesday, February 16, 2011

    Just Started on Project on Egypt

    My group just started on the project on Egypt. At first we thought we were going to make a prezi but now we are making a power point.We have a bunch of good facts on cats and on the pyramids. Tomorrow we should get the same amount.

    Tuesday, February 15, 2011

    Friday, February 11, 2011

    Interesting Facts on Ancient Egypt

    • wThe pyramids were started in 2575-2150 bc.
    • The Pyramids were built to put the dead bodies in.
    • So if the Pharaohs body was not done properly it would not be able to carry out it's job as King of the Dead.
    • There is 80 known pyramids built in Egypt
    • The First built pyramid was named The Step Pyramid of Dejoser. 2630 bc.
    • The largest pyramid in the world was The Great Pyramid. It was built for King Khufu. 2.3 million blocks to build it. Each block weighed 2.5 tons a piece.
    • The Egyptian people buried their dead in the dessert. Their body dehydrated quickly form the heat and the sand. Which created real life like mummies.
    • Later Egyptians buried their dead in coffins. To protect them from the animals.
    • They soon found out that these bodies decayed because they were not dehydrated from the sun and sand.
    • Years later the Egyptians acquired a way preserving their dead. It is called embalming is being wrapped in linen and cloth.
    • The most powerful person in Egypt were called the Pharaoh.
    • They were the political and religious leader.
    • Holding the name of Lord of the Two Land and High Priest.
    • Since he was ruler of the Two Lands he was the Ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt.
    • He owned all of the land, made laws, collected taxes, and defended Egypt from Foreigners.
    • Egypt has many Gods and Godesses for most of the things that they need.
    • Some of their Gods and Godesses were thought to be there during creation.
    • Some Gods and Godesses were gave annual offerings.
    • Some brought the floods each year.
    • Other Gods gave the people protection.
    • Some took care of themafter they died.
    • The ancient Egyptians believed that it was important to recognize and worship their Gods and Godesses so life would go smoothly.
    • The Egyptians had an almost perfect time system that relied on the sun and and moonlight to see the time.
    • The Egyptians also had a good writting system. They created images and signs which were called hieroglyphics. The richer people or royalty used scribes.
    • Craftsmen in Egypt were highly respected and were trained and skilled laborers. They also had a great life style.
    • Their lifestyle and social life relied on their abilities to sell and craft things.
    • Most craftsmen worked in workshops.
    • Objects created for the pharaohs were made in the Palaces workshops. The regular made in local workshops.

    Test On Guns, Germs, and Steel

    The test was yesterday. I feel like I did well on it.

    Thursday, February 10, 2011

    The Essay:

                 Jarred Diamond talks about geographic luck in the movie Guns, Germs, and Steel. Geographic Luck was served to the Fertile Crescent, South America, and in Europe. Not Papua New Guinea. The reason behind that is that the people of Papua New Guinea 11,000 years ago did not have animals, very many crops, or arable land.
                   The people of the Fertile Crescent, Europe, and South America had domesticated animals, store able crops, fertile land, and crops that could be planted easily. Since the people of New Guinea had to find what they were going to eat and keep moving to new places on the island they never had time to come up with technology, or other possible jobs other than hunting and gathering. They only had pigs that were given to them from the Japanese. That is not enough for a country to thrive. Until the 60's or the 70's Papua New Guinea did not even know of electricity, crops, buildings, or even civilizations.
                     The people of New Guinea were not, not clever enough to build their own civilization. They were only dealt a bad area for arable land, and domesticated animals. So they never had time to build up on new technologies or even build their own civilization. All of these problems have put most of the New Guinean people in the "Stone Age".

    Friday, February 4, 2011

    Papua New Guinea

    • They 6 million plus people.
    • Birth Rate: 26.95/ 1000 people
    • Death Rate: 6.62/ 1000 people
    • Independent September 16, 1975
    • They are mostly Christians. 27% Roman Catholic, 19.5% Lutheran, 11.5 United Church, 10% 7th Day Adventis, 8.6 Penticostal, 5.2 Evangelical Alliance, 2.5 Baptist, 
    • They have the 11th highest unemployment
    • The 17th highest growth rate
    • Even though Papua New Guinea is not really high tech it still has a government and branches of the government.
    • Almost half of their army are girls.
    • They have 125,000 people use the internet out of 6 million plus people who live there.
    • They have 54,000 people living with aids. They have 1,000 people who have died from aids within the last few years. They are 75th in the world for Hiv/ Aids related deaths.
    • The Risks of getting a disease is very high.
    • .49% of their land is arable. 1.4% of their crops are permanent.
    • 57.3 of the country can read which is the Literacy Rate.
    • 0-14 Years: 37.3 (men 1,216,214 woman 1,088, 211) 15-64 years: 59.3% (men 1,815,731/ women 1,704, 430) 65 years: 3.5% (men 113, 285 woman 92.904)
    • There Capitals name is Port Moresby.
    • Some Papua New Guinean People are cannibals.
    • The Ethnic Groups: Pollynesian, Molenesians, Papaun, Negreto, Micronesian.

      Papua New Guinea

      • They 6 million plus people.
      • Birth Rate: 26.95/ 1000 people
      • Death Rate: 6.62/ 1000 people
      • Independent September 16, 1975
      • They are mostly Christians.
      • They have the 11th highest unemployment
      • The 17th highest growth rate
      • Even though Papua New Guinea is not really high tech it still has a government and branches of the government.
      • Almost half of their army are girls.
      • They have 125,000 people use the internet out of 6 million plus people who live there.
      • They have 54,000 people living with aids. They have 1,000 people who have died from aids within the last few years.
      • .49% of their land is arable. 1.4% of their crops are permanent.

      Still Watching The Movie

      Still watching the Movie. I think I have finished my notes on the first part of the 3 parts.

      Monday, January 31, 2011

      Moving Through The Movie

      Moving through the movie called Guns, Germs, and Steel. I had to write some notes and write an essay. The movie took place mostly in A basic preview of the movie was a man who studies exotic birds is brought into the study of why these advanced civilizations didn't advance in technology. Even though they were clever and were so adaptable to new area. He is aided by another historians facts and studies on the middle eastern civilizations.

      Essay on Guns, Germs, and Steel

      sPre-History is when before people wrote down things. History is when people wrote down things. "Hunter Gatherers" are people who hunted, gathered and created shelter they would live in for a long time. It is very rare to catch people catching animals. It takes skill and knowledge to hunt animals. Since hunting is so unpredictable gathering is done more. Gathering is mostly done by women. The main resource is called sago and the pulp inside the trees are used to make a dough. There is not enough sago to support a nation of people. Barley and wheat are better than sago. Before barley and wheat were able to be made it had to become warmer and moist for it to make food. During this ice age and famine they needed to create a new way of life that would change the way of the world. Ian Kithe is a person who studies the history and ancient remains of the Middle East. Mainly in the Jordan Valley. He just found a village about 11 thousand years ago. They also discovered the worlds first grannary it is a place to store grains like wheat and barley it is hearty and able to be stored for years. 11 thousand years ago the people figured out they could grow food and they didn't need to keep moving and had to keep hunting and gathering. The people would try and live close to a body of water. The stone aged people of the middle east became the first farmers. Farming evolved in a lot of other countries like China, the Americas, and Africa but it didn't happen in the islands of New Guinea. New Guinea has the oldest form of farming as any country. These people were one of the earliest farmers in the world. How did they not advance in technology? Since their food and crops rotted so quickly and were low in protein, they had to eat some giant spiders, sago, and roots. Most of the things that happened geographically happened with a lot of luck. Since they spend so much time hunting and gathering they do not have time to advance in their technologies. Not everybody has to be working to keep everybody fed. The civilizations that didn't find good things to grow are stuck back 11 thousands years ago. A Domesticated Animal is in a house, it is not wild. A Domesticated Plant is a plant that you control. a place to store grains like wheat and barley it is hearty and able to be stored for years. 11 thousand years 

      More Notes on Guns, Germs, and Steel

      Pre-History is when before people wrote down things. History is when people wrote down things. "Hunter Gatherers"- are people who hunted, gathered and created shelter they would live in for a long time. It is very rare to catch people catching animals. It takes skill and knowledge to hunt animals. Since hunting is so unpredictable gathering is done more. Gathering is mostly done by women. The main resource is called sago and the pulp inside the trees are used to make a dough. There is not enough sago to support a nation of people. Barley and wheat are better than sago. Before barley and wheat were able to be made it had to become warmer and moist for it to make food. During this ice age and famine they needed to create a new way of life that would change the way of the world. Ian Kithe is a person who studies the history and ancient remains of the Middle East. Mainly in the Jordan Valley. He just found a village about 11 thousand years ago. They also discovered the worlds first grannary it is a place to store grains like wheat and barley it is hearty and able to be stored for years. 11 thousand years ago the people figured out they could grow food and they didn't need to keep moving and had to keep hunting and gathering. The people would try and live close to a body of water. The stone aged people of the middle east became the first farmers. Farming evolved in a lot of other countries like China, the Americas, and Africa but it didn't happen in the islands of New Guinea. New Guinea has the oldest form of farming as any country (10 thousand years). These people were one of the earliest farmers in the world but how did they not advance in technology. Since their food and crops rotted so quickly and were low in protein, they had to eat some giant spiders, sago, bananas, and roots. Most of the things that happened geographically happened with a lot of luck. Since they spend so much time hunting and gathering they do not have time to advance in their technologies. Not everybody has to be working to keep everybody fed. The civilizations that didn't find good things to grow are stuck back 11 thousands years ago. Domesticated Animal- In a house, it is not wild. Domesticated plant- is a plant that you control. Wheat which makes up about a fifth of our calories in food. In Domesticating animals humans did not have to go out and hunt and gather for food, clothes, for fertilizers from their dung, and as plow. New Guineas only farm animal is          a pig. A good domesticated animal to have is a herbivore that only eating. No African farmers have been able to farm an elephant because of how big it is and the amount of food it is and that it takes 15 years for it to mature and to reproduce. The 14 domesticated animals are goats, sheep, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, 2 camels, water buffalo, mython, lamas, reindeer, yacks, bali cattle. Some animals have to be in a group of animals to be social and reproduce. When you have a surplus of food to store in a grannery you won't have to worry about what you are going to eat the next week. South Americ had one of the domesticated animals. The other 13 came frome Europe, The Middle East, and North Africa. North America, New Guinea, and Africa were without domesticated animals. The Middle East had the best animals to domesticate and the best crops were apart of the fertile cresent. Plast comes from Limestones it took days for it to melt at about 1000 degrees. The reason was that they didn't have a food surpluses in food. With no food there were no specialists to create, heal, etc. The fertile crescent is not the powerhouse even though they had the head start. People were still leaving the area because of how hot and arid it was. When the people left the fertile crescent the went east or west towards Eurasia. Papua, New Guinea has never had interactions with other continents because they did not have anything to offer which made them isolated. Other countries had things to offer other countries. The crops that they had made were able to be made everywhere else. When the people from the fertile crescent moved to Egypt there was an explosion of food, architecture, etc. Even in Europe all of this exploded. Jarred Diamond is also an anthropologist.

      Monday, January 24, 2011

      Beginning of West Civ!

      Learning about Western Civilization. In this class we will learn about all of the people and happenings in Europe. In our first class we began a movie called Guns, Gems, and Steel.

      Guns, Germs, and Steel Beginning Thoughts

      • Jarred Diamond is the main actress in this movie and is a UCLA proffesor. The haves of a country: People with roofs over their heads and food on their plates.Have nots of a country: People in India who live in Shanti towns. People in North Korea. Papau, New Guinea is the country he originally was looking at birds but he became interested on why they were so smart and crafty but lived in a poor area. European or "White People" used to think they were more superior to any other race outside of them when they looked for the "New World".