Friday, February 11, 2011

Interesting Facts on Ancient Egypt

  • wThe pyramids were started in 2575-2150 bc.
  • The Pyramids were built to put the dead bodies in.
  • So if the Pharaohs body was not done properly it would not be able to carry out it's job as King of the Dead.
  • There is 80 known pyramids built in Egypt
  • The First built pyramid was named The Step Pyramid of Dejoser. 2630 bc.
  • The largest pyramid in the world was The Great Pyramid. It was built for King Khufu. 2.3 million blocks to build it. Each block weighed 2.5 tons a piece.
  • The Egyptian people buried their dead in the dessert. Their body dehydrated quickly form the heat and the sand. Which created real life like mummies.
  • Later Egyptians buried their dead in coffins. To protect them from the animals.
  • They soon found out that these bodies decayed because they were not dehydrated from the sun and sand.
  • Years later the Egyptians acquired a way preserving their dead. It is called embalming is being wrapped in linen and cloth.
  • The most powerful person in Egypt were called the Pharaoh.
  • They were the political and religious leader.
  • Holding the name of Lord of the Two Land and High Priest.
  • Since he was ruler of the Two Lands he was the Ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt.
  • He owned all of the land, made laws, collected taxes, and defended Egypt from Foreigners.
  • Egypt has many Gods and Godesses for most of the things that they need.
  • Some of their Gods and Godesses were thought to be there during creation.
  • Some Gods and Godesses were gave annual offerings.
  • Some brought the floods each year.
  • Other Gods gave the people protection.
  • Some took care of themafter they died.
  • The ancient Egyptians believed that it was important to recognize and worship their Gods and Godesses so life would go smoothly.
  • The Egyptians had an almost perfect time system that relied on the sun and and moonlight to see the time.
  • The Egyptians also had a good writting system. They created images and signs which were called hieroglyphics. The richer people or royalty used scribes.
  • Craftsmen in Egypt were highly respected and were trained and skilled laborers. They also had a great life style.
  • Their lifestyle and social life relied on their abilities to sell and craft things.
  • Most craftsmen worked in workshops.
  • Objects created for the pharaohs were made in the Palaces workshops. The regular made in local workshops.

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