Friday, February 25, 2011

The Power of Skype

We got to talk to her today on skype. At around 8:30 we started asking her questions about everything about the Riots and the effects of the riots.


What has it been like since he was put out of office?
Was any of your family members hurt in the riot?
How is your family acting towards you now?
Was any of your family members a part of the police?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Notes on the Egyptian Riots

A group of men started the thoughts of rioting for Mumbark to resign. They used Facebook and Twitter to communicate with other Egyptian. When they rioted 4 people were killed and 400 people were arrested. So was the leader of the riots he was arrested and the police questioned and beat him for the password of the page on Facebook. He gave them a fake password and was released. He asked the man who did the riots in Russia for help on how to work his riots. He told him to go viral, and have a peaceful riot. They chose January 25, 2011 to riot against them. January 25th was a public holiday.The riot still did not go well for them. On January 28th they were going to riot again with a higher force. But Mumbark turned off the internet.

Egypts Riots

Egypt's riots have gone through. We are having a 22 year old Egyptian lady on Skype talk to us during class tomorrow about it.

Jut finished my rap!

Didn't present it to the class because it was terrible to me. Good Job to all the people who presented it to the class.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Bricks to Build (This is based off of the Pyramid Building Activity)

I am on my 24th hour. Camel meat diet. Eatin when I'm buildin. I encourage you to try it. I probably just saying that cause I don't have to buy it. Cause the pharaoh just supplies it. Boy I'm on a new brick. I am what everybody in my past though I would want to be. Guess what? I made it. I am the fastest buildin man. Come get a load of this Egyptian. Stop frontin on me. Don't try to come and fasten me up. Because our next riot he will be running this whole thing.

But for now I got bricks to build. I'm gettin it in. Let the clay get all over ya skin. Cause I got bricks to bi-i-i-bi-i-bi-i-i Build. I got bricks to build.

When I get paid every 24 hours. Tryin to get paid money by the hour. Come at me man, I will run like a coward.
You better worry cause the pharaoh got all of the power and a castle with a tower.

Since I didn't pay it. I can't blame em. So for now I got bricks to build. I'm gettin it in. Let the clay get all over ya skin. Cause I got bricks bi-i-i-bi-i-i-bi-i-i build. So for now I got bricks to build.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Just Started on Project on Egypt

My group just started on the project on Egypt. At first we thought we were going to make a prezi but now we are making a power point.We have a bunch of good facts on cats and on the pyramids. Tomorrow we should get the same amount.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Interesting Facts on Ancient Egypt

  • wThe pyramids were started in 2575-2150 bc.
  • The Pyramids were built to put the dead bodies in.
  • So if the Pharaohs body was not done properly it would not be able to carry out it's job as King of the Dead.
  • There is 80 known pyramids built in Egypt
  • The First built pyramid was named The Step Pyramid of Dejoser. 2630 bc.
  • The largest pyramid in the world was The Great Pyramid. It was built for King Khufu. 2.3 million blocks to build it. Each block weighed 2.5 tons a piece.
  • The Egyptian people buried their dead in the dessert. Their body dehydrated quickly form the heat and the sand. Which created real life like mummies.
  • Later Egyptians buried their dead in coffins. To protect them from the animals.
  • They soon found out that these bodies decayed because they were not dehydrated from the sun and sand.
  • Years later the Egyptians acquired a way preserving their dead. It is called embalming is being wrapped in linen and cloth.
  • The most powerful person in Egypt were called the Pharaoh.
  • They were the political and religious leader.
  • Holding the name of Lord of the Two Land and High Priest.
  • Since he was ruler of the Two Lands he was the Ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt.
  • He owned all of the land, made laws, collected taxes, and defended Egypt from Foreigners.
  • Egypt has many Gods and Godesses for most of the things that they need.
  • Some of their Gods and Godesses were thought to be there during creation.
  • Some Gods and Godesses were gave annual offerings.
  • Some brought the floods each year.
  • Other Gods gave the people protection.
  • Some took care of themafter they died.
  • The ancient Egyptians believed that it was important to recognize and worship their Gods and Godesses so life would go smoothly.
  • The Egyptians had an almost perfect time system that relied on the sun and and moonlight to see the time.
  • The Egyptians also had a good writting system. They created images and signs which were called hieroglyphics. The richer people or royalty used scribes.
  • Craftsmen in Egypt were highly respected and were trained and skilled laborers. They also had a great life style.
  • Their lifestyle and social life relied on their abilities to sell and craft things.
  • Most craftsmen worked in workshops.
  • Objects created for the pharaohs were made in the Palaces workshops. The regular made in local workshops.

Test On Guns, Germs, and Steel

The test was yesterday. I feel like I did well on it.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Essay:

             Jarred Diamond talks about geographic luck in the movie Guns, Germs, and Steel. Geographic Luck was served to the Fertile Crescent, South America, and in Europe. Not Papua New Guinea. The reason behind that is that the people of Papua New Guinea 11,000 years ago did not have animals, very many crops, or arable land.
               The people of the Fertile Crescent, Europe, and South America had domesticated animals, store able crops, fertile land, and crops that could be planted easily. Since the people of New Guinea had to find what they were going to eat and keep moving to new places on the island they never had time to come up with technology, or other possible jobs other than hunting and gathering. They only had pigs that were given to them from the Japanese. That is not enough for a country to thrive. Until the 60's or the 70's Papua New Guinea did not even know of electricity, crops, buildings, or even civilizations.
                 The people of New Guinea were not, not clever enough to build their own civilization. They were only dealt a bad area for arable land, and domesticated animals. So they never had time to build up on new technologies or even build their own civilization. All of these problems have put most of the New Guinean people in the "Stone Age".

Friday, February 4, 2011

Papua New Guinea

  • They 6 million plus people.
  • Birth Rate: 26.95/ 1000 people
  • Death Rate: 6.62/ 1000 people
  • Independent September 16, 1975
  • They are mostly Christians. 27% Roman Catholic, 19.5% Lutheran, 11.5 United Church, 10% 7th Day Adventis, 8.6 Penticostal, 5.2 Evangelical Alliance, 2.5 Baptist, 
  • They have the 11th highest unemployment
  • The 17th highest growth rate
  • Even though Papua New Guinea is not really high tech it still has a government and branches of the government.
  • Almost half of their army are girls.
  • They have 125,000 people use the internet out of 6 million plus people who live there.
  • They have 54,000 people living with aids. They have 1,000 people who have died from aids within the last few years. They are 75th in the world for Hiv/ Aids related deaths.
  • The Risks of getting a disease is very high.
  • .49% of their land is arable. 1.4% of their crops are permanent.
  • 57.3 of the country can read which is the Literacy Rate.
  • 0-14 Years: 37.3 (men 1,216,214 woman 1,088, 211) 15-64 years: 59.3% (men 1,815,731/ women 1,704, 430) 65 years: 3.5% (men 113, 285 woman 92.904)
  • There Capitals name is Port Moresby.
  • Some Papua New Guinean People are cannibals.
  • The Ethnic Groups: Pollynesian, Molenesians, Papaun, Negreto, Micronesian.

    Papua New Guinea

    • They 6 million plus people.
    • Birth Rate: 26.95/ 1000 people
    • Death Rate: 6.62/ 1000 people
    • Independent September 16, 1975
    • They are mostly Christians.
    • They have the 11th highest unemployment
    • The 17th highest growth rate
    • Even though Papua New Guinea is not really high tech it still has a government and branches of the government.
    • Almost half of their army are girls.
    • They have 125,000 people use the internet out of 6 million plus people who live there.
    • They have 54,000 people living with aids. They have 1,000 people who have died from aids within the last few years.
    • .49% of their land is arable. 1.4% of their crops are permanent.

    Still Watching The Movie

    Still watching the Movie. I think I have finished my notes on the first part of the 3 parts.